Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Cut Costs And Increase Accessibility With PC-based Holter Monitoring Systems

May is the ‘National High Blood Pressure and Stroke Awareness’ month and it’s the perfect time to look into the current situation and work towards a healthier future. Cardiovascular diseases have been one of the leading causes of mortality all over the world- for both men and women. in the United States, in particular, the situation is very critical. In the year 2016, around 840,768 people lost their lives to heart problems and the number is expected to rise by nearly 20% in 2019. According to the American College of Cardiology (ACC), about 1,055,000 coronary events are expected to occur in 2019, taking into consideration 720,000 new and 335,000 recurrent events. Clearly, the condition is worrisome and makes it extremely necessary for heart specialists to upgrade their facilities and use high-performance tools to diagnose/treat cardiovascular conditions. PC-based Holter monitoring ECG systems are one of those important tools.

Cardiologists and electrophysiologists need to observe patients’ heart functioning over an extended period of time in order to diagnose conditions related to irregular cardiac rhythms- atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, atrial flutter, etc. Holter monitoring EKG systems help them in executing this task easily and efficiently. The systems measure the tiny electrical signals emitted by the heart through electrodes and put them into the computer for display and analysis. You can improve accuracy and enable immediate access to patient diagnostic information by using compact, comprehensive and feature-loaded Holter monitoring systems.

Although several systems have been developed for monitoring CVDs, most are only available in medical institutions due to their high costs. PC-based ECG monitoring systems have revolutionized the healthcare sector as they allow professionals to greatly reduce their device cost and increase accessibility.


Why Standard ECG Systems Are Not Suited For Cardiac Arrhythmias Diagnosis

As heart rhythm disturbances occur infrequently and last only for very short periods of time, the standard ECG system is often not suited to make diagnosis when it comes to cardiac arrhythmias. Even if several ECGs taken at different times, the condition cannot be diagnosed. You require a more advanced machine that can significantly increase the odds of capturing and recording an intermittent, brief arrhythmia. This is where ambulatory ECG systems are extremely useful. These systems allow you to record a patient’s heart rhythm for much longer periods of time, which can last for days, weeks, and even years. An ambulatory ECG system can be used to:-
  • Assess how effective an ablation procedure has been to treat atrial fibrillation or other arrhythmias.
  • Screen potentially dangerous arrhythmias in people with conditions, which can produce cardiac  arrhythmias, for example,
  • Brugada syndrome, long QT syndrome, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.
  • Identify signs of asymptomatic heart ischemia in patients with known coronary artery disease.
  • Check for episodes of asymptomatic atrial fibrillation in patients who have suffered a stroke of unknown cause, such as a cryptogenic stroke.

Ambulatory ECG systems assess a patient’s heart rhythm as they live their normal life, such as during exercise, psychological stress, and sleep.
June is the ‘Family Health & Fitness Awareness’ and ‘Mens’ Health Awareness’ month and it’s the perfect time to work towards a healthier future.and equip your facility with ambulatory ECG systems to diagnose intermittent cardiac arrhythmias that occur only infrequently and unpredictably.